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What is Log Management?

Log management includes a wide range of cloud network analytics based on user traffic patterns and I/O packet request scanning on data center hardware. Network administrators implement log scanning for analyzing real-time and historical patterns of hardware utilization across data center resources.. 

Log management software filters the vast amount of information acquired by network scanning utilities and processes it into easy to digest charts, maps, and summaries of business activity. This assists IT managers in allocating data center resources more cost-efficiently, as well as enabling more robust data security for web/mobile apps and strict user permissions across VLAN/SD-WAN deployments.. 

Log management is also frequently used in cloud web hosting optimization, version control utilities, DevOps/programming teams, and script error debugging in software development platforms. 

VMware vRealize Log Insight Cloud - Cloud Service Brief

Troubleshoot Issues Quickly and Intelligently with VMware vRealize Log Insight

Importance of Log Management

Log management creates a series of data points that reflect the activity of different types of users on a cloud network. Log management implements real-time request scanning on incoming and outgoing data transfers for better security. In file management and version control, DevOps teams can keep multi-user collaboration of programming teams organized through central Git logs of code changes. 

Networks can be automated to detect known exploit patterns including viruses, worms, brute force entry attacks, MySQL injection, DDoS, etc. This establishes a more secure perimeter of defense for data center resources. IT administrators need to study log reports in order to verify that hardware/VMs are adequately allocated to business requirements or to optimize workflow processes against logjams. 

Types of Log Management

The main types of log management relate to cloud web hosting and data center orchestration. In cloud web hosting, log management is used to deploy elastic web server frameworks that scale automatically to user traffic rates. These include database synchronization, server failover, and load balancing utilities. Log management is also used for web security and anti-virus scanning in cloud web hosting. 

Log management is also used in data center operations for network analytics. This includes real-time traffic patterns and historical usage reports. Log management can also be used for network traffic optimization and better security on VLAN/SD-WAN installations. Log management tools for enterprise are available that integrate across the entire software development process for DevOps teams. 

Log Management - Best Practices

Best practice is to use an integrated software platform like VMware Aria Suite with log management tools for web server automation, software testing, network administration, virtualization, analytics, and price bidding included. Otherwise, there are a wide range of DevOps tools available that can be installed on web servers or network hardware for log scanning, then utilized for software testing or data security. 

Log analytics are essential for effective IT management of complex business organizations as they provide hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. snapshots of network traffic by request across departments and verticals. Purchasing managers can then allocate resources to meet excess demand or establish scalable solutions based on spot bidding. Log analytic utilities make software debugging more efficient. 

Related Solutions and Products

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Log management and analytics